Open Recruitments as of July 2018: :
Evolutionary Genomics Postdoc Cluster Hire
University of California – Santa Cruz
We are pleased to announce our first ever postdoc cluster hire in evolutionary genomics at UC Santa Cruz!
The Shapiro, Green, and Corbett-Detig labs UC Santa Cruz are still looking to hire THREE postdoctoral fellows in computational population or evolutionary genomics. This cluster hire will grow our new cohort of fellows to collaborate on several projects in the Evolutionary Genomics.
Ideal candidates have considerable experience in computational genomics, including programming, strong team working skills, and a genuine excitement about evolution. Candidates should have a background in evolutionary biology, bioinformatics and/or molecular biology, and have an established record of achievement in research demonstrated in publications.
Post-docs will join the UC Santa Cruz research community which has a strong presence in genomics, computational biology, and evolutionary biology. We have a strong postdoctoral fellow association with lots of career development workshops and social events.
Santa Cruz is a fabulous place to live with lots of outdoor recreation and easy access to the San Francisco Bay Area.
We are committed to enhancing diversity in our community and in science more generally. Applicants from backgrounds that are underrepresented in the sciences are therefore strongly encouraged to apply.
The postdoctoral positions are minimum two-year appointments starting Summer of Fall 2019 (or when filled), with salary commensurate with experience and following the UC salary scales. To apply, please send CV, names and contact details of three references, and cover letter that describes your research experiences and why you would like to be part of this opportunity to Beth Shapiro, Ed Green, or Russ Corbett-Detig. Initial review of applications will begin on April 15, 2018.
The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status. The PGL and UC Santa Cruz are committed to excellence through diversity, and strives to establish a climate that welcomes, celebrates, and promotes respect for the contributions of all students and employees. You can viewthe complete University of California nondiscrimination and affirmative action policy here. . Inquiries regarding the University’s equal employment opportunity policies may be directed to: Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at the University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064; (831) 459-2686.
We are always open to discussion with students interested in pursuing either Masters or PhD degrees with our lab. Projects can include wet lab work, computational work, or a combination, and fit within the overall research theme of the group. We recruit graduate students through several programs on campus; follow the links below for more details. Not: the EEB program is direct-admit; you must get in touch with a potential faculty advisor in order to be considered for the program.
Interested students should contact Beth Shapiro or Ed Green directly.
Information about application deadlines and procedures, and about fellowships that are available for graduate students through UCSC, can be found on the following pages:

loess bluffs near Dawson City, YT

inside the PGL

While we are not advertising specific opportunities at present, we are always open to collaborating with potential postdocs who are interested in submitting applications for personal fellowships. We have hosted fellows from NSF, Marie Curie, Ciencias sin Fronteras, and others.
We have had postdocs work on a wide range of projects in our group, both continuing work that has been ongoing in our lab for some time and taking on entirely new (for us) research directions. We value diversity of experience and scientific training, and are always looking to grow!
Undergraduate research opportunities are available in Ancient DNA and computational evolutionary biology.
We require undergraduate volunteers to have completed the 20 series and either evolution or genetics, or equivalent courses from BME.
Interested undergraduates are encouraged to email Beth or Ed, and to include in their email both a cover letter that explains your career goals and why you would like to work in our lab and an unofficial transcript. |

This page will be updated regularly as opportunities become available.