1156 High St --- Mail Stop EEBiology/CBB
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Phone Number: +1 831 459 3003
Office Location: Biomed 144
E-Mail Address: bashapir (at) ucsc.edu
1156 High St --- Mail Stop SOE2
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Phone Number: +1 831 502 7394
Office Location: Biomed 146
E-Mail Address: ed (at) soe.ucsc.edu
165 Biomed Building
Lab telephone: +1 831 459 3009
click here for UCSC maps
Mailing address:
Shapiro/Biomed Lab
University of California Santa Cruz
Thimann Receiving/ EEBio/Biomed/155
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064 USA

The Biomedical Sciences Building on UCSC's main campus (Photo credit: David Hurley, EHDD Architects)
137 Thimann
Mailing address:
Shapiro/Ancient DNA Lab
University of California Santa Cruz
Thimann Receiving/ EEBio/Thim/137
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064 USA

Thimann Paleogenomics Lab